
Mon to Fri 9:30 – 18:30 / Sat 10:00 – 14:00

(+52) 333-817-0110 / (+52) 332-350-5078

Guadalajara, Jalisco, México



Over time, our skin loses its tone and elasticity, which is especially noticeable in our face.

One of the areas that most reflects the signs of aging is the eyes. Correct droopy eyelids and those bothersome under-eye bags that give your face a tired and aged appearance with a blepharoplasty.

Why get a


Drooping eyelids and the formation of under-eye bags occur as we age. The skin around the eyes loses elasticity, muscles weaken, and fluids accumulate, causing edema and swelling in the upper and lower eyelids. Additionally, fat pockets under and around the eyes become more noticeable due to tissue laxity, giving your eyes and face a tired and aged appearance.

Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery to remove excess skin from the eyelids—both upper and lower—and reduce under-eye bags. A micro-incision is made in the treated area to remove the drooping skin. The scar is completely imperceptible.

  • Lower Blepharoplasty: This can be performed via the transconjunctival approach (through the inner fold of the eyelid) or subciliary (under the lower eyelashes). It is an outpatient procedure, performed under local anesthesia with sedation, and takes approximately one and a half hours.
  • Upper Blepharoplasty: This procedure always involves an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid, where the scar is hidden, and removes excess skin. It takes around an hour and a half and is done under local anesthesia with sedation.
  • Complete Blepharoplasty: This combines both procedures, addressing both upper and lower eyelids in the same surgery with the same goal.

The eyes are completely rejuvenated, with no wrinkles around the eye area and the eyelids lifted and smooth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can undergo blepharoplasty?

Both men and women can have this surgery if they have under-eye bags, loose muscles, and droopy eyelids that contribute to facial aging. Generally, people over 35 are the most frequent candidates for blepharoplasty, either due to genetic factors from their parents or to achieve a youthful and radiant appearance.

How is the recovery from blepharoplasty?

The recovery time is around 6 days for suture removal. Blepharoplasty is one of the procedures with the fastest recovery, as bruises typically disappear within 15 days.

During the first 24 to 48 hours, you may feel some discomfort as the anesthesia wears off. Swelling, edema, and bruising around the eyes may occur, but there is no significant discomfort, and any pain is mild and easily managed with medication. In case of tearing, antibiotic eye drops are used for a few days.

As for scars, the healing process is gradual. Scars will appear pink for the first few months, but they will gradually fade until they become almost invisible.

These surgical procedures can also be combined with new-era technologies in plastic surgery, such as:

  • Morpheus8 on the face and eyelids for greater skin tightening around the eyes.
  • Accutite for skin tightening of the eyelids.
  • Liquid facial rejuvenation with stem cells and non-ablative fractional lasers for a spectacular look!

Post-surgery recommendations:

  • Do not smoke before or for 1 month after surgery.
  • Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from wind and light.
  • Avoid sports and physical exertion until your doctor advises otherwise.
  • Do not consume alcohol during the first week.
  • Return to work and daily routine one week after eyelid surgery.
  • Use artificial tears to soothe burning and dryness in the eyes.
  • Avoid heat exposure (saunas, steam baths, etc.).

¿Cuándo se aprecian los resultados?

Pasadas las dos primeras semanas se empiezan a notar los resultados visibles, y pasados unos tres meses, el rostro del paciente tiene un aspecto más juvenil y los resultados son permanentes (las cicatrices pueden seguir madurando 1 año tras la cirugía).

El efecto de la Blefaroplastia tiene una duración de varios años porque desaparece la propensión a las bolsas de los ojos y el descolgamiento de la piel de los párpados superiores comienza a los 10 años de la intervención. De igual forma se recomienda incorporar en la rutina de skincare tratamientos preventivos antienvejecimiento así como asistir al med spa para tratamientos de hidratación intensa en cabina y reafirmamiento cutáneo.

Tecnologías de última generación que utilizamos en Liposser:

K Láser Blue: es el primer láser azul del mundo, con 3 longitudes de onda simultáneas, que generan un tensando integral de la piel en un 50%, marcaje muscular, así como el cierre de vasos sanguíneos lo cual reduce la inflamación con un gran efecto analgésico produciéndose menos hematomas para un post operatorio más confortable.

FACETITE Y MORPHEUS8 FACE: consiste en una tecnología que emplea energía de radiofrecuencia fraccionada para Lipólisis  y tensado máximo del 90% de tu piel, con marcaje muscular para un cuerpo escultural. Post operatorio sin dolor, pronta recuperación, ideal para pacientes con flacidez moderada a severa que no quieren cortes en su cuerpo. Indicado para pacientes desde los 35 años en adelante.