
Mon to Fri 9:30 – 18:30 / Sat 10:00 – 14:00

(+52) 333-817-0110 / (+52) 332-350-5078

Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Bioestimuladores de ColágenoCollagen Bio-StimulatorsBioestimuladores de Colágeno

Collagen stimulators (also known as bio-stimulators) are a type of semi-permanent dermal filler that stimulates the body’s collagen production to restore facial volume and improve skin structure.

Bioestimuladores de Colágeno

Unlike smoothers or wrinkle fillers, this injectable revitalizes the natural collagen production that diminishes over time. Collagen provides vital support and structure for the skin, and as we age, this decreases. That’s why we start to see the formation of lines, wrinkles, and a general loss of volume.

Unlike other dermal fillers made with hyaluronic acid or collagen, collagen bio-stimulators are made from poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), which is a synthetic form of lactic acid that helps stimulate collagen production.

The procedure itself is minimally invasive and practically painless, as a topical anesthetic is applied beforehand, and the application can last about 45 minutes.

The downtime is minimal, meaning you can return to work the same day.

Results may take up to 3 months to become visible, and their effects can last about 24 months.

Where can Bio-Stimulators be used?

Bio-stimulators can be used almost anywhere on the body where you want to increase your collagen levels. Many of our patients use these injections to reduce visible signs of aging in different areas of the face (such as the cheeks, jawline, and temples), although the neck is also a preferred area, as it often shows signs of aging before other parts of the body. We can also treat cellulite with collagen bio-stimulators. 

Bioestimuladores de Colágeno

They are a powerful non-surgical option to provide a gradual and significant increase in skin thickness, improving the appearance of dimpled skin and skin texture. This helps offer patients lasting results in cellulite treatment and improves the appearance of the hips.

What does the treatment involve?

During the treatment, the solution will be injected into the areas of interest using a needle. The average amount for an initial treatment is 2-3 syringes of collagen stimulator. The procedure is comfortable and a topical anesthetic will be applied.

Bioestimuladores de Colágeno

There will be immediate correction and improvement in facial appearance due to the volume of the solution injected, which is usually a good indicator of what the final result will be. This will resolve within a few hours or days as the water from the solution is reabsorbed. Once the collagen stimulator is injected, an inflammatory response in the tissue begins that stimulates natural collagen production.

After the treatment, your doctor or nurse will massage the area firmly to ensure product distribution, and many patients find they can continue with their day without downtime.

What is the difference between dermal fillers and collagen bio-stimulators?

Collagen stimulators prompt your body to produce more natural collagen to lift loose tissue and shape the face. This requires time and multiple treatments to achieve the final result.

Although dermal fillers stimulate collagen production, their main results are based on lifting tissue and restoring volume instantly by precisely placing hyaluronic acid gels in the skin and subcutaneous areas of the face.

At Liposser, we handle the bio-stimulators Ellansé and Sculptra. Below is more information about each:


Bioestimuladores de Colágeno

Ellansé™ is a next-generation bio-reabsorbable collagen stimulator and neo-former that naturally reverses the effects of aging by stimulating collagen and elastin production, restoring luminosity and elasticity to the skin, restoring volume, reducing wrinkles, redefining contours, and correcting signs of facial aging in faces beginning a sagging process, providing secure and personalized beauty over an extended period.

Advantages of Facial Rejuvenation with Ellansé™

  • Immediate Results: Unlike other aesthetic medicine treatments, the effects of this treatment are seen immediately. The skin loses sagging and improves its natural structure.
  • Restores Volume: It returns volume to the face and shape to the facial oval without altering expression. It allows recovery of the elasticity and thickness of the skin lost over the years.
  • Multiple Areas to Treat: It is a medical treatment that adapts well to different parts of the body, especially used to reduce or prevent sagging, wrinkles, and expression lines on the face, neck, décolletage, and hands.

Due to its cohesion, elasticity, and optimal viscosity, it is an easy-to-mold product, allowing for greater definition of the facial areas being treated and an added advantage in targeted placement.

Bioestimuladores de Colágeno
  • Natural Absorption: Due to its reabsorbable capacity, the body synthesizes this substance, so the results are not permanent, similar to hyaluronic acid and others, although it guarantees natural results.
  • Long-lasting Results: The tensor and restructuring effect of Ellansé™ lasts longer compared to other dermal fillers that act for a few months. It all depends on the type of product applied.

Ellansé™ is available in 4 exclusive presentations, each with a specific duration for the results, providing prolonged action from one to four and a half year

  • Little Pain: The innovation of Ellansé™ is also related to the comfort of application. During the session, the patient hardly notices the injection, mainly due to the combination of its ingredients.
  • Quick Recovery: Minimizing the injection points allows for immediate return to normalcy, reducing possible marks or slight bruises that often appear after application.
  • No Allergy Testing Required: Unlike other treatments, it has no contraindications for most patients. However, the surgeon will evaluate the medical history and personal situation of the patient.
  • Effective as Preventive and Corrective Treatment: Ellansé™ is used for repositioning volume in the neck as well as preventing progressive collagen loss at relatively young ages. In fact, it is increasingly used for these last cases since it is always better to maintain and prevent than to resort to corrective treatments.
  • Time to Notice Results: Greater firmness is appreciated between the 3rd and 6th week, with the final effect visible in 3 months, lasting up to 2 years.


Bioestimuladores de Colágeno

Sculptra® is a long-lasting collagen bio-stimulator composed of polylactic acid that naturally stimulates cells to revitalize the body’s own collagen production. It is very effective when used as a treatment for wrinkles and fine lines on the face; it is also used to improve facial volume and treat lipoatrophy, which is the loss of facial fat. Sculptra has been around for years, but with its recent approval by the FDA, you will hear more and more about it! It is an excellent option for stimulating collagen with durable and natural-looking results that can last up to two years.

Collagen is an important protein for the structure and firmness of the skin. However, the collagen content of the skin decreases by 1% each year throughout adult life. By age 50, we may have lost 30% of our skin’s collagen. Sculptra can increase collagen production by 66.5% in 3 months. This new collagen will slowly add volume to the face.

The advantage of creating new collagen is that the effects of Sculptra last much longer, from 2 to 4 years, unlike other filler products that last 9 to 12 months.

If you are concerned about volume loss in certain areas of the face, such as cheeks due to aging or weight loss, you are likely a candidate for Sculptra.

The application session lasts about 45 minutes. There is minimal discomfort since topical anesthesia is used.

About 3 sessions are required, with each spaced 6 weeks apart. After that, maintenance is recommended after 6 months from the last application, followed by annual maintenance.

In which areas can it be applied?

  • Temples
  • Supra-brow
  • Deep piriform space
  • Mid-face
  • Preauricular region
  • Pre-mandibular
  • Decollete
  • Chin shadows
  • Hands
  • Elbows
  • Knees
  • Glutes

When are the results noticeable?

Results are not immediate. Typically, results take 4-6 months, depending on various factors such as volume loss and age. Patients will continue to see changes up to the ninth month, at which time full results are expected.

Sculptra is not for patients seeking instant gratification, but if you can be patient, the results are absolutely worth it.

Does it have side effects?

Similar to HA fillers, mild swelling and bruising may occur at the injection sites, which usually disappear in less than a week. Some redness may also occur and will gradually disappear.

Post-Treatment Care

It is recommended not to engage in physical activity for at least 48 hours after treatment, nor to massage the areas where injections were placed, or to be in very hot environments.

Avoid direct sun exposure and use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

Si quieres más información o agendar tu cita de valoración, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros.
